Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pictures that creates ideas

This image was used to give an idea of the text blablablá in blublublu. Acording to this representation of the article, from the middle top to the bottom there is connection. The plane represents knowledge, which nowadays has no limits and no frontiers/ borders. In the past any piece of information used to take too long to spread, and reach other people, and cultures. Now with the advent of internet, and technology, information is like planes. Planes put you in different places taking very little time if compared with the past. In the end of all conections there are media devices or websites, which is the exemple of where you can download books and interact with others by exchanging books, or in other words, information. Here there's an interesting point, in this kind of connection information is anywhere, what doesn't mean knowledge. Knowledge, in this kind of communcation, is what each person produces with the info they get, so differently from information, knowledge isn't anywhere. In the post above, what represents it are the pictures of the people as in the one of the opera. They were expoused to lots of info during long time, and when they are playing together they produce knowledge as music.


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