If you remember the first landing on the moon or the creation of internet, the Woodstock festival or even the first pc created by Apple, you are probably from Generation X. But now if you played Atari, remember when windows 95 was launched and used to watch Xuxa in the mornings you are from Generation Y and for the last but not the least if you are from the generation of twitter, facebook and it is used to listening Justin Bieber so you can say, you are from Generation Z.
Different generations are formed by different moments and historical events. Here are some characteristics of each generation:
Generation X: It is a term to describe people from 60’s and the mid of 70’s. The X describes a lack of identity of this group and a sense of unbelonging to nowhere shaped this generation. They were against the conservative way that their parents lived. They are also called The MTV Generation. They saw the beginning of the technological era: video games, cable tv, internet....
Generation Y: Also known as Millennial Generation . It’s starts from the mid of 70’s and ends in the mid of 90’s some people also include de earlies of 2000’s . Sometimes people refer to this generation as Peter Pan generation. The members of this generation live with their parents, they have the hightest divorce rates. They followed the rise of instant communication such as e-mail, instant messenger and so on. Cartoons like Dragonball Z, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Simpsons have been followed this generation.
Generation Z: It stars from the early 90’s into de 2000’s. It is also known as Generation M (Multitasking Generation), Net Generation. It is the generation of communication. They prefer texting to talking. They do not spend much time outdoors. They prefer computers to books. The events that shaped this generation were Globalization, 9/11 attack , the creation of ipods, iphones, ipads, facebooks, twitter.
I think this discussion is amazing. Generations think different but do the same thing... Or not?